Wednesday, September 02, 2009

The Festival of the Hungry Ghosts

It is now the month of the Hungry Ghosts; the 7th month in the Chinese Lunar Calendar
Yesterday was the 14th; the day which marked the main festive celebration for the departed souls.

There will be make-up stages observed along the road and in residential areas; which will be the stage for performance troops, singing or acting for the entertainment of the ghosts/spirits (brothers and sisters, as the Chinese call them)
At the same time, observe that there are sometimes Puppet shows as well.
The stage will be facing a huge tent which houses a huge deity and also long tables of food offerings.

Also, there will be lots of burning of papers and food offerings by the roadside and junctions.

It is a month where most Chinese are particularly cautious about; and there will definitely be lots of superstitions or Do's and Don'ts coming from the elders.
It is a month full of superstitions and traditions; and a month where the Chinese pay homage and respect to the dead and wandering souls as well.

I shall be preparing a documentary-article on the festival soon, please stay tune

P.S: I was not allowed to take any photos of the celebration or whatever people are doing during this month due to the superstitions as well - to be explained in the soon-to-come post:)

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